
Hasni Abidi

  • Position Director of CERMAM
  • Biography

    Hasni Abidi is a political commentator and specialist in the Arab world. He is Director of the Study and Research Centre for the Arab and Mediterranean World in Geneva and has been a guest lecturer at Paris I University for a number of years. He also provides consultancy services to a number of international institutions.
    His work is on political development in the Near-East and North Africa.
    Mr Abidi, who holds a doctorate in political science from the University of Geneva on the Islamic Salvation Front, gives a seminar on “the EU’s Mediterranean policy” and a lecture on “the geopolitics of the Middle-East” and trains civil servants on “radicalisation: profiles, processes and management mechanisms”.
    He has also carried out research on behalf of UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNAOC and the ICRC on a number of subjects, including the “acceptability” of non-state actors. Since 2014, Mr Abidi has also been working on “the political conversion of jihadists in North Africa”.