Beirut | Program of the IPEV International Conference in Beirut
June 20-21-22, 2018 | The Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs of the American University of Beirut organize a three-days-symposium that will be the opportunity for several roundtables, panel discussions and conferences with outstanding speakers from the panel, from the American University of Beirut and from all over the world.
One year and a half after the IPEV Kick-Off in Paris, the panel will gather at the American University of Beirut to share recommendations for exiting violence. This event is decisive as it precedes the official publication of the report, in November 2018. The ten working groups will highlight the main points of their respective chapters and meet during workshops in order to finalize their works and recommendations for exiting violence.
RSVP to Suzanne El Houssari (, Communication Manager at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut by Friday, June, 15.
Wednesday, June, 20
16:30 – 17:00 | Registration
17:00 – 18:00 | Opening of the conference and presentation of the Panel
- Michel Wieviorka, IPEV Co-director, President of FMSH
- Fadlo Khuri, President of the American University of Beirut
- Tarek Mitri, Director of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs of the American University of Beirut
- H.E. Saad Hariri, President of the Council of Ministers, Lebanon
18:00 – 19:00 | Keynote
- Mohamed Ali Alhakim, Secretary General, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Beirut, Lebanon
- Phlippe Lazzarini, UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator, Lebanon
- Rubina Abu Zeinab, National Coordinator, office of the President of the Council of Ministers
19:00 – 19:30 | Break
19:30 – 20:30 | IPEV co-directors and IAB comment the works of the Panel
Chair: Dorothée Schmid, Program Director for Turkey and the Middle East at the Institut Français des Relations Internationale, Paris, France
- Michel Wieviorka, President of the FMSH, Paris, France
- Jean-Pierre Dozon, Vice-chair of the FMSH, Paris, France
- Yvon Le Bot, Director of studies emeritus at CNRS, Paris, France
- William O’Neill, former Program Director at Social Science Research Council, New York, USA
- Raphaël Pouyé, Senior Expert in Democracy Support at the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
- Sanem Güner, Assistant Director of the Hollings Center for International Dialogue, Istanbul, Turkey
20:30 | Reception
Thursday, June, 21
9:00 – 9:15 | Introduction
Mala Bakhtiar, Chief of Executive Body of PUK Political Bureau and President of the Dabran Foundation, Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan
Michel Wieviorka, IPEV Co-Director and President of the FMSH, Paris, France
9:15 – 11:00 | Roundtable: Radicalization / Deradicalization
Chair: Bashshar Haydar, Professor of Philosophy, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
IPEV speakers:
- Shashi Jayakumar, leader of the working group “De-radicalization, a comparative perspective”, Director of the Centre of Excellence for National Security, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Jérôme Ferret, co-leader of the working group “Radicalization, a comparative perspective”, Professor of sociology, University of Toulouse Capitole, France
- Marie Kortam, member of the working group “Radicalization, a comparative perspective”, Associated researcher, Institut français du Proche-Orient, Beirut, Lebanon
- Fabio Merone, member of the “Salafism” working group, Researcher, Middle East and North Africa Research Group, Ghent University, Belgium
Special guest: Radwan El Sayyed, Visiting professor and Sheikh Zayed Chair of Islamic and Arabic Studies, AUB, Lebanon
11:00 – 11:15 | Break
11:15 – 13:00 | Roundtable: Exits from violence
Chair: Shalini Randeria, member of IPEV International Advisory Board, Rector of the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Austria
IPEV speakers:
- Sana Farhat, member of the working group “Women and violence with a gendered approach: MENA region and diaspora”, journalist at Tunis Afrique Press, Paris, France
- Richard Rechtman, leader of the “Reconstructing the self: comparative lessons”, Director of research, EHESS, Paris, France
- Zakaria Rhani, member of the working group “Reconciliation and justice: comparative lessons”, Professor of anthropology, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
- Bridget Conley, member of the working group “History and memory in exiting extreme and mass violence: comparative lessons”, Research director of the World Peace Foundation, Tufts University, Medford, USA
- Nathalie Duclos, member of the working group “Public Policies against violence: comparative lessons”, lecturer in political science at Institut des sciences sociales du politique, Paris, France
Special Guests:
- Carmen Abou Jaoudé, Lecturer at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon7
- Sana Yazigi, Founder and editor in chief of the archiving website The Creative Memory of the Syrian Revolution, Lebanon
13:00 – 15:00 | Lunch
15:00 – 16:30 | Roundtable: Political autonomy, gender and violence
Chair: Olivier Caron, member of IPEV International Advisory Board, Director General of the Centre for Strategic Training and Research (CSFRS), Paris, France
IPEV speakers:
- Pénélope Larzillière, member of the working group “Women and violence with a gendered approach: MENA region and diaspora”, research fellow at the Institute for Research on Development, Paris, France
- Jean-Luc Racine, member of the working group “Independentism, separatism, irredentism and state building”, Emeritus Senior Fellow, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
- Mouldi Lahmar, member of the working group “The role of strong and weak states in the production of violence in the Arab world”
Special guest: Fadia Kiwan, Professor of political science at Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon
16:30 – 16:45 | Break
16:45 – 18:45 | General discussion
18:45 – 19:00 | Break
19:00 | Keynote
Farhad Khosrokhavar, Director of the Observatory on radicalisations at FMSH, Paris, France, Co-leader of the IPEV working group “Radicalisation, a comparative perspective”
Friday, June, 22
9:00 | Working groups meetings
Integration of the comments and amendments of the IPEV chapters
The meetings are closed to the public
14:30 – 15:45 | First session of restitution
The working groups present their final chapters
Chair: Hasni Abidi, member of IPEV International Advisory Board, Director of the Centre d’études et de recherche sur le monde arabe et méditerranéen, Geneva
- Adil Jazouli, member of the working group “Radicalization, a comparative perspective”, Expert advisor at the Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires, Paris, France
- Bartolomeo Conti, member of the working group “De-radicalization, a comparative perspective”, Associated researcher, EHESS, Paris, France
- Adel Bakawan, leader of the working group “Independentism, separatism, irredentism and state building”, Reader, University of Evry, France
- Sari Hanafi, member of the working group “Roles of strong states and weak states in the production of violence in the Arab world”, Professor of Sociology and chair of the department of sociology, anthropology and media studies at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon
- Mohamed Ali Adraoui, leader of the working group “Between Salafism, sectarianism and violence: the new faces of radicalization”, Marie Skłodowska Curie fellow at Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
15:45 – 16:00 | Break
16:00 – 17:00 | Second session of restitution
The working groups present their final chapters
Chair: Sabrina Melenotte, Fellow researcher at the EHESS, Coordinator of the Platform Violence and Exiting Violence of the FMSH, Paris, France
- Nicola Pratt, member of the working group “Women and violence with a gendered approach: MENA region and diaspora”, Reader, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
- Elisabeth Claverie, leader of the working group “Reconciliation and justice: comparative lessons”, Director of Studies, CNRS, Paris, France
- Scott Straus, leader of the working group “History and memory in exiting extreme and mass violence: comparative lessons”, Professor of political sciences and international studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
17:00 – 17:15 | Break
17:15 | Closing roundtable
Chair: Eric Briat, Department head, Deputy to the Director of City and Urban Cohesion,
Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires, Paris, France
- Michel Wieviorka, IPEV Co-Director and President of the FMSH, Paris, France
Tarek Mitri, Director of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, AUB, Lebanon - Danièle Joly, working group “Women and violence with a gendered approach: MENA region and diaspora”, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom
- William O’Neill, member of IPEV International Advisory Board